LIMITLESS Group Program

Celebrate Victories AND Embrace Life's Endless Possibilities!

Join a vibrant community of soul-driven women in 'LIMITLESS' – an 8-week transformative program designed to unleash your true potential and awaken to your soul’s purpose.  

Starting April 24 at 6 pm EST! 

You're strong, smart, and ambitious, and never shy away from hard work. You’ve spent too many years following someone else's rules, chasing society’s definition of success, and seeking external validation and encouragement from an outdated playbook.

You were told you could have it all, but you’re not sure your sacrifices are worth it anymore.

You’ve taken on different identities—wife, mother, daughter, caregiver—and placed others’ needs ahead of your own, losing yourself in the process. You've found yourself exhausted and left with the scraps of time and energy for yourself.

You feel guilty complaining because you are so grateful for your blessings.

Deep down, you know it's not satisfying, and this version of you and your life is not "IT." You are done chasing someone else’s definition of success and living your life on “autopilot” - not feeling fulfilled, in flow, or aligned with your purpose.  

You ask yourself, “Who am I?” and what happened to that version of me with the fire in her belly who was going to take on the world?

Yet, there is an inner knowing that you were created for more. There is so much untapped potential within you; you are LIMITLESS, and your story doesn’t end this way.

It’s not about doing more, accomplishing more, achieving more; it’s about remembering who you are and why you are here.  

It’s about releasing and letting go of imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and the limiting thoughts and beliefs that have kept you stuck.  

You are an eternal spiritual being—there has never been and never will be anyone just like you. You have the power to design the life you want to live. You were created to dream big dreams, take courageous, aligned action, AND do it in a way that lights you up.

You're ready to embody it all—fully present in mind, body, and spirit—and redefine success on your terms.

Your life is not a set of limited choices. You have awakened to AND - a reminder that you have LIMITLESS opportunities available to you—you just have to take the first step. And that step starts now.

You can create new opportunities. You get to rewrite your story—to remember your worth, step into your purpose, and embrace authenticity, empowerment, and limitless possibilities.

And you don’t have to do this alone.

Join me AND a group of other powerful women in "LIMITLESS," an 8-week transformative group program designed just for you. Together, we’ll uncover your true potential, celebrate your wins, AND navigate life's abundant opportunities with confidence and clarity.  

What Clients Say

Read what some of my clients are saying about their experience working with me.


This program is for you if:

 ✨ You’re ready to awaken to your limitless potential, remember who you are, AND shine your inner light brightly.

 ✨ You no longer want to define your worth by external measures but instead recognize the intrinsic worthiness within you simply because you exist.

 ✨ You’re ready to let go of imposter syndrome, doubt, and limitations that have held you back for too long.

 ✨ You want to step boldly into your purpose—why you were put on this earth—AND uncover the passions that stir your soul and the dreams that have long been buried beneath the surface.

 ✨ You are ready to remove the masks you've worn, unapologetically own every aspect of who you are, and become FREE.

 ✨ You want to become the healthiest version of yourself AND commit to nurturing yourself fully.

 ✨ You’re ready to design the life you love and live a life with purpose, passion, and peace.


Hi, my name is Aneta, and I’m passionate about helping women like you who feel this way because I was YOU for too many years. 

I was the classic good girl. I followed all of the rules – graduated from the right schools, found a corporate job, married and started my family, worked my ass off, bought the house, and got promoted.  

I kept saying “yes” to what was asked of me, pushing forward, striving, seeking the next accomplishment, and hoping it would make me feel like I was ENOUGH. But it never did.  

I placed my own needs last and became smaller.  I didn’t ask for help or admit that I was breaking.  I became stressed, frustrated, bitter, and unhealthy.  I became the worst version of myself. I did what was expected but not what I wanted or needed.  I strove for more, seeking external praise and validation for my self-worth because I didn’t have it within.  

I had lost myself, dimmed my light, and remember thinking, “Is this it?” I didn’t recognize who I was anymore. I couldn’t remember who I was before I took on these other identities.  How did this happen to me?  Where did I go? What did I want?


Instead of addressing what was wrong, I distracted myself by getting my MBA, running a marathon, working harder, planning our next trip, buying things I didn’t need, binging on Netflix, and overindulging in food and wine.  I worked hard all week, crashed by 7 pm each Friday night, lived for the weekends and vacation, and started breaking down on Sunday afternoon in anticipation of Monday morning.

The cracks started to show. I was irritable with my family; the inner dialogue was brutal, I couldn’t sleep, I cried all of the time, and I kept praying that God help me figure out how to get out.  I put on my armor every morning before going to work to protect myself.

I worried about dying young and with regret. I worried about wasting my life. I worried about running out of time to figure out what kind of life I wanted. I worried about never figuring out what my purpose was.  

I stayed in this place for years because I was scared, stuck, and didn’t know what I wanted to do. I worried that I didn’t have a purpose, wasn’t smart enough, or talented enough—that I wasn’t enough. I thought it was too late, and I could never make enough money doing something I loved.  

I convinced myself I could hold off until retirement, somehow power through, and ignore what my body told me.

One day, I couldn’t do it anymore. The fear of staying in my job and the life that I was living was greater than the fear of changing.  

I finally admitted that I couldn’t do this alone and needed help. So, I hired my first coach, someone who had done what I wanted to do in her life. That decision gave me back my life.

We worked together for six months. It was the most challenging work of my life. I had to go within, sit with myself, stare fear in the face, and create new commitments and beliefs. I reconnected to my highest Self, the spiritual being with a purpose and dreams.  

And now I have the privilege of other women get unstuck, awaken to their potential and purpose, dream BIG, and take aligned action so they can start living the WIDTH of their lives.

Program Overview

  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls on Wednesdays at 6 pm EST: Dive deep into transformative topics, receive personalized guidance, and connect with a supportive and energy-rich community of women just like you.

  • Weekly Breathwork Sessions: Experience the power of breathwork to release resistance, enhance clarity, and cultivate presence.

  • Morning Yoga + Meditation: Access recorded sessions for daily practice, grounding yourself, and nurturing mind-body-spirit connection.

  • Paid in Full Bonus: One 1:1 Coaching Call: Receive personalized support and guidance from me to address individual goals and challenges.

Weekly Topics: Beginning April 24, 2024


✨ Week 1: Awakening to Your Authentic Self

✨ Week 2: Nurturing Mind, Body, and Spirit

✨ Week 3: Rediscovering Your Passion & Purpose

✨ Week 4: Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs & Fears

✨ Week 5: Designing Your Ideal Life

✨ Week 6: Embracing Self-Compassion & Worthiness

✨ Week 7: Taking Aligned Action

✨ Week 8: Stepping Into Your Power & Embracing Your Limitless Possibilities



Paid in Full Bonus: 1:1 Coaching Call

If you choose the pay-in-full option, you’ll receive an additional private coaching call with me. We can focus on your goals and address any obstacles holding you back.


⭐️ It’s time to reclaim your power - you are the creator of your destiny.