We often hear people wishing us a long, happy, and healthy life, but what if the length isn't what matters most? What if instead, it's the breath depth and purpose of each day that matters most? Welcome to the Live the Width of Your Life podcast. My name is Aneta Ardelian Kuzma and join me weekly as I interview guests who made changes in their own lives to live more fully with intention. Gratitude and joy. Be prepared to be inspired by their stories of how they shifted their mindset, took courageous action, and designed the life that they always wanted to live.

 Welcome back to the Live the Width of Your Life podcast. And today I'm doing a solo episode. I love doing these solo episodes with you every once in a while. I will say that it is so much easier for me to interview and talk to other people than it is sometimes to do the solos because you have to be a little bit more vulnerable.

And that's something that I'm continuing to work on. Usually, I save that for my writing and for journaling every day. But I want to talk about something that happened this past week. And how it led me to right now, right today, announcing that I'm going to be doing an eight-week group coaching program called Limitless.

 I don't want to get too ahead of myself because I want to share the backdrop of the story and tell you why I think that now's the time for me to do and launch this program. So for those who know me, one of the things that is on my bucket list of things I've always wanted to do is to be a TEDx speaker.

 And it's not easy to just be a TEDx speaker. You have to apply, you have to practice, you have to be selected. And, it's a process. So I signed up for a program with Taylor Conroy called Thought Leader. And I've been doing the program last couple of months. And last week, I was in an all-day session in which we were to practice writing our TEDx speech.

In our presentation, it's a certain number of minutes. I think it's anywhere around 14 minutes, on average, maybe up to 18. And there is a process to writing the presentation, and it's very prescriptive. And if you've watched any of these, you know that there's a hook. There is an up story.

There's a down story. Some other things are involved in the actual presentation. But last week, specifically, we were focusing on our own story and our up story. These two parts of the presentation are the opportunity to engage the audience and get them to come along. An emotional journey.

And the down story, as you can imagine, is a moment in time that maybe there was a challenge, or it's a catalyst for change, or something happened in our life. And then the up story, of course, should be something that has the opposite feelings, and that captures the emotional contrast between the two storylines.

So, Working on my own story, I knew what the down story was and I thought through, I'm like, you know, we all go through a lot of things in life, but what is the biggest catalyst for change for me was probably the moment that I found myself feeling bad in my career and I was 25 years into a career, spent a lot of time with my education, my experience, focusing in on building this corporate career.

 I found myself at the very worst moments and I was burned out and stressed and I've shared some of this already just resentful, angry, my light was gone. I would ask myself all the time, like, Who am I? Where am I? What happened to that younger version of me who had this fire in her belly, who was so excited to take on the world, who was ready to do and accomplish and do something with my life?

I always felt like I was going to serve to do something impactful, even if I didn't know what it was. And at that point in my career, I just found myself in a place where I wasn't doing any of those things. And I was outwardly successful. If you looked at it, I had a great title at work. I was making a nice salary.

I did work with wonderful people. I just didn't feel great at all. And, I didn't like how I felt about myself. I knew that I wasn't the version of me that I loved anymore. And so writing about that and going back to that place was hard. It's not fun to revisit it and to feel those emotions again and to think through like, how did I feel in that moment?

And I guess I would say I felt lost. I felt stuck. I felt like, I had taken on all of these identities. I said, yes, I was struggling with perfectionism and imposter syndrome. And I had so many doubts. And even though I worked so hard and was able to accomplish a lot of things, It just really didn't bring the fulfillment or the joy and I'd lost a lot of the joy in my life, even though I had this beautiful wonderful family and friends and all that stuff was there I was just so tired So then I had to work on the up story And I think I've also shared in a blog for those that follow me that one of the best times in my life was traveling through Europe right after I graduated from college And so here I was remembering a time in my life where I was young.

I was 21. I felt so free. I was energized hopeful and full of adventure and excitement. I didn't know what I was going to do next with my life after I graduated. I didn't have a job. I didn't have it all kind of planned, but I remember not worrying about it. I just felt certain that things were going to turn out.

I believed in myself. I figured that, doors would open and that the right things would come along. And the only thing I wanted to do at that moment was to travel throughout Europe and backpack. My friend, Anne, and I got to go and we decided we were going to spend the summer part of our summer backpacking through Europe, somehow convinced my parents to let me go.

So we flew out to Europe and we had this unlimited Euro rail pass, which allowed us to spend. In and out privileges into Europe. And this is pre-cell phones, pre-GPS, pre-email. We had a phone calling card, we had traveler's checks we were traveling with, and we had a Rick Steves travel guidebook and paper maps that we collected in every city that we were going to.

We didn't even have reservations about where we were going to stay or how long we were going to stay. We were just super flexible, and excited and just in it for the adventure. I had a camera with me, a disposable camera, and also a journal. My journal captures everything, I always had a journal with me.

And I have that journal, and I found that journal, and I was able to read my words and to hear my voice. And so doing the contrast between the down story and the up story was emotionally, kind of triggering for me and was hard because when I saw the up story this young 21-year-old with really not I mean, just graduated.

I had no idea what I was going to do next. I was so free. And, this strong-willed feminist who was going to do amazing things. And then in the 40s, probably my mid-40s, is when I felt bad about my career at that moment in life where I'd done all the things that I said I was going to do. I was going to graduate and get the degrees, and find the job, and build a career, and work hard, and get the titles, and, start my family and all of the stuff that I said that society said that we were successful.

I did all those things. I focused on it. I worked so hard. I pushed past when my body was sending me signals that I needed to pause or stop. I didn't have very healthy boundaries. I struggled with a lot of perfectionism. I had so many doubts and inner voices that were harsh and unkind. And I decided when I was doing this TEDx, presentation and working on it last week that I don't want anyone else to have to go through this.

I know because  I've had the privilege of being a coach over the last five years. I know that other women struggle with this and I know that too many of us stay in those situations. For way too long. I stayed for too long. I felt that way for a while and I stayed for way too long and I decided I didn't want other young women to go through what I did.

I want them to figure it out sooner. I want them to listen to that nudge that they're hearing that voice that's telling them something's not right.  I want them to remember that they are limitless and they have limitless possibilities within them.  So that's why I created this group coaching program.

 It's eight weeks because I know that the women who are interested in this are ready to make a change. They're ready to get started. They're ready to say, I want to rediscover who I am. I want to write my life story. This is not how it's going to end.  I know that I have more opportunities, and if the choices that are presented in front of me aren't the ones that feel good or exciting,  I am going to create new ones.

I'm going to awaken to possibilities, awakening and, and creating some of those new stories for myself and new opportunities. So the program starts on April 17th. It is eight weeks and every single week we are going to have a new coaching topic and then we're going to do a breathwork session every week as well.

You'll have access to my daily yoga, meditation, and breathwork in the morning and those who pay in full will also have an opportunity to do a one-on-one coaching call with me just to go deeper and to go a little bit, more into what challenges you may be experiencing. So this program is for you. If you're ready to awaken to your limitless potential to remember who you are and to allow your inner light to shine brightly, it is for you.

If you want to rediscover your worth, your value, the unique essence that makes you, you, if you no longer want to define success by what society says, but you want to redefine it in all areas of life on your terms. And what's most important to you and the line to your values.  It's for you if you want to release all the things that are holding you back keeping you small or keeping you stuck.

Impostor syndrome, doubt, insecurity, perfectionism, unhealthy boundaries, any of these limitations. It's for you if you want to step boldly into your purpose to remember why were you put on this earth. What is the mission? What are the passions that stir your soul, the things that make you come alive, and that you want to teach others?

 If you're ready to remove any masks or armor that you have worn to fit into society's mold, to honor your truth, to allow yourself to be unapologetically you, all of you, in all of your glory, to experience liberation, to free yourself from any constraints. If you want to become the healthiest version of yourself and recommit again to taking care of yourself holistically, creating some optimal health.

And I want you to remember something. You are an eternal being who is here having an earthly experience. You came here with passions, and missions, and a purpose in your heart, on your heart. And it's our job to remember. Remember who we are, and remember that. And to be able to share that with others. This program is going to be unlike anything else you've done for yourself.

And the eight weeks that we're going to cover is week one. We're going to talk about awakening to your authentic self. Week two is nurturing your mind your body your spirit. Week three is rediscovering your passion and your purpose. Week four is letting go of limiting beliefs and fears. In the fifth week, we're going to talk about designing your ideal life on your terms.

 Week six is embracing self-compassion and worthiness from within, building that. In week seven we're going to take aligned action, taking, and creating all the steps that you need to get to that vision. And week eight is stepping into your full power and embracing your limitless potential. I hope you join me on this adventure.

If this resonates with you, please, please, please register for this program. If you have questions, you can DM me. You can email me on Instagram or LinkedIn. You'll find all my contact information on the website. If you're interested in more details. The webpage is www.anetakuzma.com/limitless. I'll include all the links in the show notes. If this isn't for you, if you are in a great place, but you know someone else who could benefit from this, please share it with your friends, share it with your family members, or share it with anyone else that you think needs this program. And the final thing that I want to share is that we don't have to do this alone.

What I learned this past year is when I joined a mastermind last year with an amazing mentor and group of women who were on a similar journey to what I was on I found a sisterhood.

Who are on their journey, who are also committed to their growth and their progress? They're here to do amazing things in the world. They're here to shine their light brightly. There is no competition. There is no scarcity. There is just love and support for one another. And that is what we are creating here within this container as well.

If this is for you, I hope that you join me on this adventure. I cannot wait to see you there. And remember the date is April 17th, register today, especially if you want to get one of those one-on-one coaching calls, we can get that scheduled right away. And I hope to see you there. Thank you so much for listening.

Have a great day.

 are you ready to awaken to limitless possibilities? If you want to celebrate victories and embrace your life's endless possibilities join me in a vibrant community of soul-driven women in a limitless and eight-week transformative group coaching program, that's designed to unleash your true potential.

And awaken to your soul's purpose. The program starts on April 17th. It's for eight weeks. We will meet weekly and talk about topics tied to your true self, nurturing your mind, body, and spirit, to rediscovering your passion and purpose. By letting go of limiting beliefs and fears to redefining what your ideal life looks like, embracing your worthiness, starting to take aligned action stepping into your power, and embracing your limitless possibilities, you will gain clarity on your vision, your purpose, and passion.

You will have alignment to your values. You'll release and let go of your inner critic and limiting beliefs. Create more peace, find that balance of masculine and feminine energy, and create action plans to create the life you love. And most importantly, you will have a new community of soul-driven women who are on the same journey as you.

 All the details are on www.anetakuzma.com/limitless. The link is in the show notes, and I would love for you for you to be part of this group, if you know, someone else that could benefit from this, please share this podcast with them and share the link with them.

Thank you so much for being part of my community.

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