Podcast Introduction

[00:00:00] Adriana: If you make a bad decision, just move forward with that. Take that decision, and see what's after that. And then you can open another door and another one and make more decisions because if not, you're going to feel stuck and you're going to be a lot in your head.

[00:00:13] Aneta: We often hear people wishing us a long, happy, and healthy life. But what if the length isn't what matters most? What if instead, it's the breath, depth, and purpose of each day that matters most? Welcome to the Live the Width of Your Life podcast. My name is Aneta Ardelian Kuzma, and join me weekly as I interview guests who made changes in their own lives to live more fully with intention, gratitude, and joy. Be prepared to be inspired by their stories of how they shifted their mindset. Took courageous action and designed the life that they always wanted to live.

[00:00:48] Aneta: Welcome back to Live the Width of Your Life. Today's guest is Adriana Bisorca. Adriana is the life coach and trauma-informed breathwork facilitator. She's a Romanian that lives in France, a mother of three, happily married, a dreamer, a learner, and a lover of life and people. She stands in her power and lets her light and energy guide the way.

[00:01:09] Aneta: She helps other humans to stop living in survival mode and start thriving, helping them attune and attain their true potential by getting out of their beautiful structured minds into their bodies and releasing what's not serving them anymore so they can make more of who they are at their essence, she empowers people to break free from the internal rollercoaster, reclaim their personal power, and create a life of authentic fulfillment.

[00:01:36] Aneta: I had a great time talking to Adriana. She is a dear friend and we talked a little bit about how she has this innate ability to intentionally decide and then take action in order to change her life towards the goals that she has set out for herself. We talk about how she has overcome fears, limiting beliefs, and even heartbreak in her life, and built the courage that she needs to move forward. We talked a little bit about how she left the country that she knew in order to build a new life, a home, and a business in France with her family. And finally, how each of us can find more abundance in all areas of life. Enjoy the episode.

Podcast Interview:

[00:02:17] Aneta: Adriana, I'm so excited to have you here with me today. Thank you for joining.

[00:02:23] Adriana: Thank you for having me. Wow. I'm even more excited. So this is my first podcast and I'm excited that it is with you. Another Romanian, like really excited about that because it feels like home in a way for me to discuss with you.

[00:02:41] Aneta: I'm so grateful that you are here. And for those that don't know you and a little bit about your story, can you share your journey with us and kind of talk about where you came from and where you are today, where you're going?

[00:02:56] Adriana: I would love to do that. My journey is quite, exciting. At least for me, it is. I don't know about the people that are watching, but for me, I grew up in Romania and I moved to France when I was an adult. I was really shy. I came from a family of four kids. Middle family. I was an introvert when I was younger and now I find myself being an extrovert I crave a lot of peace and inner work, but being the third child I was.

[00:03:31] Adriana: In a way invisible, I felt, and now thinking back and doing this work on myself and serving others, I haven't been seen the way I needed and like being loved the way I need it. I was an introverted kid. I was the shy one, the one that couldn't find my place in a way. We were outside. This is where our like childhood is in Romania.

[00:03:53] Adriana: We are outside playing with the kids, having respect for your parents, having respect for your brothers, your siblings, everybody. It was different than these days I feel like. I was more like trying to be by the rules and do things the way that had to be done. But then all of a sudden, not all of a sudden I was already an adult when I was making my own money and finishing the university.

[00:04:22] Adriana: And I have been in a long relationship for six years. Something shifted in me after that relationship, I was like, okay, now I need to rely just on me. My family couldn't afford to support me financially and to do the things that I desire to do. So I knew that I had to rely on myself. And from that place, it wasn't that like the consciousness of me that I know now.

[00:04:47] Adriana: It was more my ego and my pride that took over me in a way and push me towards the things and moving forward the things that I desire. Because I knew, I need to like to do the things that I need to do so I can grow more. And in a way that just breaking up from that relationship, I wanted to prove to myself that I can do the things that I want to do.

[00:05:10] Adriana: And from that place moving forward was more exciting because I was stepping more in my power. And like kind of learning more about myself being in a group. So that job that I've been like, it was actually my last job in Romania. I was working at the same company that was a construction company for six years.

[00:05:33] Adriana: And I was excited to see a lot of young people, some of them, they were really young, like 20-something. Some of them, they were around 30, 40 engineers that knew what they want out of life. And that for me was new. It was like, wait a minute. I can be in a group of people. I can decide what I want. I can like to learn more. I can be more in my power and have my voice heard. And they knew they had choices and they knew what they wanted out of life.

[00:06:02] Adriana: And then I just took from them a lot of things and learn. And I enjoyed that period of time. But while working there, my sister got cancer and she died. So I had to go to Canada because she was living there. And that was a point in my life where my life shifted, that's for sure.

[00:06:23] Adriana: I've started being this shy, kind, loving girl that was growing up into an adult and tried to figure out the things and her passion and learning from others to this adult that needed to face things that were really hard. There with your sister that was so young.

[00:06:44] Adriana: My sister back then, this was 10 years ago. She was 32 years old. And she had a daughter, my niece, and that was really young. Five years old. And I was the one, in a way, I don't know. I believe in God. So gives you what you can handle and what you can support, like what you can carry on your shoulders, let's say like that.

[00:07:06] Adriana: And I was there for my sister from the moment she was in the hospital for her last two weeks of life. I was there for her and I remember one of my best friends saying that I was so sure that once this period of life, this situation in your life is going to end you're going to be totally different.

[00:07:27] Adriana: And that was true. I became more, the word in English will be harsh in a way. Not difficult, harsh like I was more strong in every area and every aspect of my life. Because of being facing that, seeing her in that place, and being with her until almost the last moment of her life.

[00:07:54] Adriana: Was something that just shifted for me. Everything, the way I saw myself and life and people. And in a way, now thinking back, we are together in the Mastermind and we have the same mentor. Sam says always you become less tolerant of the people and the circumstances. You become more sensitive with your time, your peace, your person, what you want outta life, and how you put yourself in the world. You see yourself in the world. From that moment on, I became more sensitive to everything, the relationship that I had, what I wanted for me, what I wanted, like keeping the vision for my family.

[00:08:38] Adriana: And after my sister died, I remained in Canada. And that was hard. Probably the hardest thing that I ever done in my life. And the thing that I regret the most is that my sister didn't have the chance to live this beautiful life. And I went back to Romania after three months and a half and things were different. I started the relationship with my now husband and I decided to come to France I was a grownup adult when I came here.

[00:09:09] Adriana: And I remember people asking me, it is difficult to move to another country for me. I was already traveling in Europe. I have been to Canada multiple times. At that moment when I decided to come here and it was the decision that I really wanted to take and I was so ready with my family, even with my friends. I have these moments in my life when I know that's enough. I'm just going to push forward and move forward with things. I'm not going to complain and stay in the same place for long because I know that I want more.

[00:09:43] Adriana: And here in France actually, I discovered because I had the peace here was different. It's more like a decision that you take and you have inside of you. And coming here, I had the time to relax and to enjoy things and to find that peace that I was craving and to be in a loving relationship that for me was really important. I've always manifested my now husband in a conversation with my sister actually.

[00:10:11] Adriana: And saying that I really want somebody to own my, this is a word that we use in Romania, like on my soul to be somebody that I can grow up with. And we can build things together because I had this desire to build and to grow and to be different and do things differently. And that was the first and biggest and most beautiful manifestation that I had because my husband is exactly that. And then now we have three girls. So all the experience that I had in my job in Romania, helped me so much to have the confidence that I can do the things I can learn.

[00:10:46] Aneta: Amazing. Well, Adriana, so what do you think you've changed? You shared so many times where you said you've decided, and it was like a decision to make a change. You decided as a young girl that you were going to become less introverted and more extroverted and then become independent at the end of a relationship.

[00:11:06] Aneta: And then when you came back after having witnessed your sister’s passing and transition, you had different feelings and choices that you made. And of course to move to France. So was there any correlation between starting off living under a communist regime, which then ended as we know with Ceausescu's death, and then did you feel like with the end of communism that suddenly your life and your world had more possibilities than before?

[00:11:33] Adriana: For sure. It, but didn't impact me. In that period of time, I was little. I was eight years old. I didn't realize that much at that exact moment. But for sure, yeah, because we all had more possibilities. And you started to see on the TV, and you started to have the things that before you didn't have access. That for sure was such a big impact on my life and my family.

[00:12:01] Aneta: Right. Just the ability to be able to leave the country and to travel and to have more freedom to be able to do it. So there are many people that sometimes think that they reach a certain age and it's difficult to change or that the possibilities maybe grow smaller as we get older.

[00:12:18] Aneta: But you took this courageous step with your husband to move to France to learn the language, to start a business in a new country. And then it sounds like you decided after supporting them that now you wanted to invest in yourself, and you were starting to ask yourselves the question around, who's Adriana?

[00:12:37] Aneta: Like, what do I want? What am I going to do? So tell me a little bit more about what happened after you started asking yourself those questions and going through the coaching program. What did you discover?

[00:12:49] Adriana: Yeah. I discovered that I'm capable of doing certain things and actually I discovered that I'm somebody that, it's a loving person. Even though I lost it a little bit, that part of me, like the inner child, now it's coming more and more to the surface. That's for sure. She's here with me, but I just push her down so I can move forward. As I said, like my ego was there and my pride, so I can just navigate those waves of pain that I had in my life and difficulties.

[00:13:25] Adriana: But then when I had that opportunity here in a loving space, things were calmer and more peaceful and loving. Having somebody that loved me just the way I was, because that's really important for a person like me, for a little kid that didn't felt in a way the love that she needed the way she needed it, and having that space was like more going within and than like flourishing in a way.

[00:13:56] Adriana: So, okay, now I have the time to think about myself and to realize that, wait a minute, I actually can do all the things that I desire and be me. And this like, I have a practical part in me and I have this loving energy about my heart combining the brain and the heart in a way so I can do and impact the world.

[00:14:19] Adriana: And do something beautiful with what I know and who I am. Because when you have a lot of difficulties and probably a lot of people can resonate with this, you don't have the time to think about hobbies and what you want out of life and how it's going to be like, how you can impact from within. And having that force, life force inside of you speaking to you and putting the work of your life to say it like this out into the world from your heart and through your body, not just at the level of the mind where you just go and resolve and fixing things for others around you. So when I had that peace inside [00:15:00] of me and outside of me.

[00:15:02] Adriana: I could just create and you said that for me it is about the decision. Since I started to realize what was going on in my life was easy for me to take decisions. I'm somebody who when I'm saying something, even though if I'm making a bad decision, I say bad, quote-unquote, or that I am going to realize that it wasn't the best decision.

[00:15:23] Adriana: I just embrace that. And move forward. And I always say to my brothers, if you make a bad decision, just move forward with that. Take that decision, and see what's after that. And then you can open another door and another one and make more decisions because if not, you're going to feel stuck and you're going to be a lot in your head. And not so much in that creative space. So for me, the piece gave me the possibility to go within and see what I want. And of course, a lot of fears came out to the surface.

[00:15:53] Aneta: Yes. I was going to just ask you about fears because I think some people stay in the stuck stage. They overthink, and they spend too much time in their thinking mind. And there is this fear that kind of paralyzes us sometimes from moving. But I love what you said. Even if it ends up being the wrong decision, or maybe not exactly the right one, you're still not stuck. And then like you said, other doors open that you wouldn't have seen otherwise. And so were you always fearless or is this something that you developed over time or where did you get this sort of sense of fearlessness?

[00:16:32] Adriana: No, I had a lot of fears for sure, and when I was younger, and I still have visceral fears of heights, but that's something that I took from my mother. I cannot go on the highway with the car. I'm afraid of speed, to go just by myself, but like fears of take decisions. I believe it was at the moment.

[00:16:55] Adriana: Even in high school, I was good at school, but I was afraid, like shy in a way that I'm not that good. I wasn't that passionate about having the best grades or that wasn't my thing. For me, it was more the relationship with the people and learning the things that I loved and I had fears, but at some point when you realize that you don't have a lot, your parents cannot support you.

[00:17:18] Adriana: I remember it was a show. I was young still at our first apartment in Romania, was a show called Ri on a television from Italy. And there were like these beautiful young girls dancing and singing on stage. And I was thinking, wow, one day I just want to go to Italy and see Italy.

[00:17:38] Adriana: And one of my friends told me you are always when you are younger, were like, I'm going to go to Italy. And it's still the country in Europe that I love the most. Probably that also, like seeing those girls and seeing people around me after the Child care school period was like a new world open and I was curious, I want to do that. Portray that and I want to feel like, and little by little, but the point when I stepped into my independence was after that breakup.

[00:18:08] Adriana: That breakup. After that relationship. I was like, even though I learned so much and I'm so grateful for that relationship. Cause I learned so much from that person. He gave me a lot of confidence that probably my parents couldn't, right? And all my other friends. And then from that place, I was like, no, now it's my time. So as I said at the beginning of this year, this is my turn. It is my turn to do bigger things. And I just decided, but that came from me.

[00:18:36] Adriana: I believe I always had this fire in me. But I didn't know how to cultivate it. And for me, Tony Robbin always said sometimes it's like, you hit rock bottom. For me, it was a pivoting moment there. I knew okay, he was supporting me in a way with confidence and being there for me. And now I didn't have that relationship and I decided it's enough. I'm enough. I can do a lot of things just by myself. And I just decided and move forward with things.

[00:19:05] Aneta: That's so inspiring. Did you find even when you just make these decisions to move forward you find yourself ever having a setback? And how did you get yourself back into a state of moving forward?

[00:19:21] Adriana: Now this question is so good because I'm exactly in that point, with the coaching business and being in this industry and knowing that for me to coach and to guide somebody is really, it's like I don't take it lightly how you say it.

[00:19:40] Adriana: Because we talk about people's life. It's not just a product that you buy and a shirt or whatever. It's so important. You're going to change and you're going to influence with your presence and with your energy, that person's life. And I don't like that. It's really important for me.

[00:19:58] Adriana: And I'm finding myself at this moment even more triggered than before. Before was easier because we're like the steps to take and to come to a place where you're going to be more conscious of things and awaken. And now that I am. I'm even more not afraid. I'm not afraid, that's for sure. No, it's more like consciousness. That you can do with your decision and with the things that you say and what you do, you can impact people's lives. And then I'm like finding myself being. Sometimes in a rollercoaster of emotions. And this is what I want to help people with.

[00:20:37] Adriana: For them to step in that power. And I have a program for this, my own woman, that talks about this exactly like being on this rollercoaster and feeling that abundance of emotions and not believing and trying to fix it. But just be with it and find, like meet those little parts inside of you.

[00:20:57] Adriana: And with so much love and this is what I'm doing, but I'm still learning. It's a process. It is a journey because I'm finding myself up and down and up and down. Trying to, am I really that good? Am I really, I'm not just an imposter? They're trying to because there are a lot of coaches in the world now.

[00:21:14] Adriana: It is a thing, let's call it, not like a couple of years back. But I know that we all have something that's unique and I know that for me it's my light and my energy and the energy that I'm coming forward and the way that I perceive everything this work and how important it's for me to be there.

[00:21:36] Adriana: To create a safe and loving space for somebody to just be and to hold that person in a way that maybe they've never been hauled or maybe they didn't find that love from, and to hold their energy and their beingness. But it is a rollercoaster. So this is the point in my life where I feel more triggered but more excited as well. Like this open more and more.

[00:22:01] Aneta: Well, I'm so glad you shared that because I do think that probably resonates with people, it's not like you ever arrive. We don't get to a state and we're like, we're here. Now everything is great. It is a constant journey and it is tied to our energy and we need to protect it. Of course. And that's a lot of the work that you and I do and we focus on. So tell us a little bit more about your program and how you support people for those that might be interested in learning more.

[00:22:32] Adriana: So this program is my journey actually. It is something that I've created because as I said, positive by nature and very excited. I just took a test that was about my strength and one of my strengths, it is this life. That excitement about life and things and how you can grow more. So my program, it's all about women at this moment, but I want to extend this to men as well, and it's called My Own Woman, meaning you just go within and find that for me, peace is very important, is a pillar that as I said, crave so much in my life because I had a life with a lot of ups and downs.

[00:23:17] Adriana: And creating that emotional calm nervous system and to be balanced with your emotions. And that doesn't mean, as you said, you're going to arrive at some point and you are not going to feel anything. It's exactly about this feeling, but not dwelling on them. They're coming. Let's say, I'm discovering that I'm a projector and I'm an emotional authority projector. This is something that I'm discovering right now and this is why I have these waves of emotions, but I embrace them.

[00:23:44] Adriana: So the first step in this program is exactly this. Like you feel that it is a rollercoaster and I'm up and down and up and then excited and then I don't know what to do. And in a funk, it's exactly this. Like I meet you where you are and meet those parts inside of you and calm that nervous system.

[00:24:01] Adriana: And probably for some people it's to feel safe for the first time in their lives. For me, at least, like months ago when I started the P F T, the Bread War facilitator program, now thinking back, I didn't know exactly what that means. To feel safe in my body. What that meant for me.

[00:24:22] Adriana: I had to discover in a way how it is to feel safe and from that place to take decisions and move forward in your life. So this is the first step that I want. And then clarity to have a vision and get clarity and get excited about that and like dream big. Not just, I know this step and this step, and then probably no, my neighbor is better than me. And just find that inner voice and your emotion and your knowing and your power, because we all have it. So with the calm nervous system, then find the clarity and then create. Because this was a belief of mine that I'm not a creative person since I was in elementary school.

[00:25:06] Adriana: This was a limiting belief that I had for so many years. I'm not a creative person. I'm more practical. I cannot create things. And actually, that's not true. We all know that. And even the things that we believe are wrong, or the life that we live right now, it's co-created by us. The decision that you make every day, the thoughts that you have, the beliefs. How you express yourself with your children, with your partners. In every relationship that we have. It is our creation. So we are creative. So for them to discover that part of themselves even more and to tap into their knowing and intuition and find a kind of harmony inside, like with all things.

[00:25:47] Adriana: Now that they have this calm nervous system because that's work there. It's a journey. It's not going to, sure like you said, arrive right away and then channel your inner creativity and your power and your force that is inside of you, and continuing from that point just to move forward to whatever it is.

[00:26:07] Adriana: Because in life sometimes we have a vision and then that pivots and change and change again. And to embrace that uncertainty. Some things you know that are starting in your life and probably we crave a lot of like our brains at least evidence and the steps and the structures. And that's beautiful because we all know that it helps us so much to have a structure and to move things around that structure, as well, to be in that sea of possibilities. I'm going to let myself and give myself permission to be there.

[00:26:43] Aneta: I love it. This is so beautiful. So, where can folks find you and learn more about the program and if they'd like to follow you? What's the best place?

[00:26:52] Adriana: On Instagram? Yeah, @adrianabisorcacoaching on Instagram. And then I have a business Facebook page. That's exactly my name. Adriana Bisorca Coaching again. So that's the two places where people can find me. I don't have a podcast yet, or a YouTube channel. I had one. It's too much.

[00:27:12] Aneta: No, it's important to know which ones speak to you, which ones you enjoy. And I'm going to include the links in the show notes Adriana. And I have a final question for you that I ask everybody, and I think you've probably answered it throughout this entire session that we've had today, but really it's how do you define living the width of your life?

[00:27:33] Adriana: That's a beautiful question. And I was thinking about this a couple of months ago, I had this calling inside of me to see how far I can go, what I can reach in this lifetime. And this is like all I want to see, what skills, I'm really curious about this. What I have inside of me, what other skills I can improve maybe, I don't know, speaking on stages or maybe like I going with the roller skates or, dancing or maybe like improving my voice because I would love that. I'm always singing and dancing, so I don't know.

[00:28:11] Adriana: Maybe that and like traveling the world, seeing out other cultures, meeting people, creating my own table and going more within like to see what part of me, it's not, I didn't like giving so much attention of love and including others. Keeping them with me and the kids as well because I believe that the younger they start, and I want to implement that with the breadth work facilitator program in time, kids and everybody to feel they are in a space where they can grow and they can achieve whatever they desire if they really desire that and work towards that.

[00:28:52] Aneta: That's beautiful. Well, I want to thank you for your time today, and it has been such a gift for me to have met you through the different programs that we were in, both facilitator training and now the Mastermind. It's so interesting how life just brings people into your world and your space from all kinds of different places.

[00:29:12] Aneta: So I'm so grateful that you are part of my community and that you're here, and I just love that, I think your story's so inspiring because you demonstrated that you can make a decision to change. Your life is not fixed. The story is not over. There is no full arrival, and you can take courageous steps even when you're fearful. And continue to learn and grow. So thank you, Adriana. Thank you for being you. Thank you for all the wonderful things you're doing and I look forward to our continued conversations. Have an

[00:29:43] Adriana: amazing day.

[00:29:45] This was so beautiful. Thank you. Have an amazing day too.

[00:29:48] Aneta: Thank you for listening to today's episode. If today's conversation inspired you to dream again, break out of your comfort zones, or reflect on what it means to you to live more fully, then please follow this podcast because every week you'll hear more stories from people just like you, who took imperfect action towards their goals, creating more joy, and are living the life that they always dreamt of living.
