Podcast Introduction:

[00:00:00] Lynn: And I think part of the journey is learning how to be comfortable with this uncomfortableness. And just like learning to dance with it and learning to journey with it and learning to be okay, familiar with this. But also not so familiar that you get so uncomfortable with the ugliness of the path.

[00:00:17] Aneta: We often hear people wishing us a long, happy, and healthy life, but what if the length isn't what matters most? What if instead, it's the breath, depth, and purpose of each day that matters most? Welcome to the Live the Width of Your Life podcast. My name is Aneta Ardelian Kuzma and join me weekly as I interview guests who made changes in their own lives to live more fully with intention. Gratitude and joy. Be prepared to be inspired by their stories of how they shifted their mindset, took courageous action, and designed the life that they always wanted to live.

[00:00:52]  Aneta: Welcome back to Live the Width of Your Life podcast. Thank you so much for joining me again this week. If you haven't already, please subscribe to the podcast. So you're notified each time a new episode drops. And I'm so excited for today's conversation. My guest is Lynn Min and Lynn is licensed in mental health counseling CBT, IFS, EFT, RTT, hypnotherapy, breathwork, energy healing, chakra alignment, and sound healing.

[00:01:23]  Aneta: She combines all of these modalities from brain-based psychology, laws of the universe, energetics, spirituality, the power of breath and movement, and plant medicine, and she journeys with people in divine therapy, a process where we radically present our humanity to boldly embody divinity. Her promise to every single person sitting in front of her is you make sense. She helps people make sense of themselves through inner justice work, whereby reconciling the stories of the past. Present emotions and dreams for the future, all of the pieces of yourself can belong in profound self-love.

[00:02:04]  Aneta: You are your own healer and you are the drug. You are the one that you've been waiting for. We talked about so many things. There was this conversation so juicy. We talked about plant medicine. We talked about the subconscious mind versus the conscious mind. Talked a little bit about the dualities of different roles and identities that we take on during a lifetime and how there is room for all of them. Lynn's journey like many of ours, was not a linear line. And she's still on that journey. And I learned so much, not just about her. But just so much about myself during this conversation. I think you're really going to enjoy it. Take a listen.

Interview session:

[00:02:49]  Aneta: Lynn, I am so grateful and so excited to have you with me today. Thank you so much for joining me.

[00:02:57] Lynn: Yes. Thank you for having me.

[00:02:59] Aneta: It's so interesting for those that are probably listening to the podcast, They don't get the benefit of the conversations before, but you and I just did this grounding, centering, aligning exercise. And I just feel so connected right now to you.

[00:03:16] Lynn: Yeah. What was that?

[00:03:20] Aneta: Yes, just dropping into intention. And so I love that. And I'm so grateful that you were there for that with me. And so for those that don't know you, I'm going to ask you a question. It's a little bit different than what I typically ask. And it's probably a little different than what we normally are asked if we're networking or if we're meeting someone for the first time, but without talking about your credentials or what you do. Who do you say that you are underneath all of those identities that we claim during our lifetime?

[00:04:02] Lynn: Wow. What an opening question. Who do I say? No credentials. Can I mention roles?

[00:04:14] Aneta: Sure. Yeah. Anything that feels true to you, to your authentic self.

[00:04:20] Lynn: Particularly this week, I'm like really owning this. I'm a weirdo.

[00:04:28] Aneta: How so?

[00:04:32] Lynn: It's funny that you asked this question because I've always felt I'm this, but I'm really not. I never feel this is what I am. I love people. I love connection. I am a huge empath and I do believe I am connected to people before me and after me. There are parts of me that like exist outside the timelines. And I happen to be a mom and I have kids. I feel like in this lifetime and in other realms.

[00:05:06] Lynn: And I love musical expression. I love the body. It's really cool. I'm learning about it. I'm humbled by it. I'm sustained by it. And, I'm just fascinated by this work that we do as human beings in this human journey. And I think part of this is like figuring out for myself and then helping others do the same. How to put together all the paradoxes in us? Like I'm human, I'm so human. But, have you met my goddess? Or like I am a mother, but the girl in bed, or I could be that ratchet person and the holy pastor. I love dance. I love movement, particularly in this season of my life. What comes naturally to me and has unleashed a lot of these energies has been sensual bachata and something about moving energy centers in a physical way, like shaking it up, right?

[00:06:28] Lynn: And something about the relationship between the Soma, like flesh, and then this Pesuke, the soul, the invisible, and the scene. And the threshold where it becomes visible, and some people call it manifestation. Some people call it, I don't know, religion. Some people call it gaining weight and it's fascinating. I am obsessed about these opposite ends coming together, all at being one, and yeah. So who am I? Who knows? It's so constantly evolving. For now, this is who I am. I'm this weird person that really doesn't fit in anywhere, but I fit in everywhere. Does that make sense?

[00:07:22] Aneta: I love that don't fit in anywhere and don't fit everywhere only because I think we feel that way when we don't necessarily fit into the boxes that society has created. We check boxes all the time on applications, pick 1 or maybe you can pick 2 and, especially as I look at all of the things that you do in this world, the roles that you play, the certifications that you have, the things beyond what you just stated, right?

[00:07:50] Aneta: That maybe more people are comfortable and understanding. You have done so much. You have evolved. You have brought all of these tools, and these modalities into your toolbox. Into what you're able to use to share to help with others. And so I love to talk about the dualities. It's like what curiosity or maybe what pull, brought you to start exploring these different modalities or, because, I mean, I know we just shared in the intro, all of the different titles that you have, but you're a licensed mental health counselor and your speaker.

[00:08:28] Aneta: And you're a pastor and you call yourself a witch and a breathwork facilitator and energy healer. There are so many different things that you are able to use to help people's healing journey. So what was your journey that sort of brought you into the space where you were able to get curious about all that is available and possible?

[00:08:52] Lynn: You know, Aneta, first of all, I love you. This is just when we were grounding together I was like, I'm so grateful for this human. And then I felt this heart open. And as we were like, let's just channel together. And I was like, what is this fucking feeling? But thank you for being so aligned with spirit and making room for magic. Yeah. Because I think the timing of this conversation, at least for me I don't even have words for it yet because doing something, it's doing something. I can feel it.

[00:09:30] Aneta: Yeah. Me too. I feel the tug at my heart right now and like tears are welling up. It's so interesting. Right?

[00:09:38] Lynn: Right. Why am I crying? And I wish I could tell you that I approached all of these with curiosity but so I think the gist of it, it has to be packaged in a story. I was born to a Christian family and my dad was a pastor and we immigrated. He came here first, so I didn't really grow up with a dad. It was like a picture and it was kind of God. And when I was, I got to see him for the first time, at least with like consciousness that this dude is my dad.

[00:10:12] Lynn: Fast forward, of course, like firstborn to an immigrant family and being the empath and being the child that I am and the human that I am, I became the caretaker. And so everything in church, I have a sister and a brother that's way younger, seven and 10. So I became the matriarch even of my own family, of my own mother.

[00:10:34] Lynn: She kind of just collapsed and she was like a happy, but also very fragile mother. I never really like real guidance. She just kind can do, whatever you put your mind to. Which was like fuel to this little fire in me. And so I grew up with this pacing and this I'm going to achieve. And, so that was my academic path. And I said to myself, I'm just going to make a lot of money because how else are my parents going to survive? There are these like naive, seemingly naive helpless people. My dad was like the model of extreme work that's all he did.

[00:11:20] Lynn: In real life and in secret too, because it was not okay for pastors to have any other jobs? Because it would be like hungry. So like talk about distortions of money and all of that. However, my first major was in business school marketing and management of music. Music industries, like never touched any of that until I realized, the whole world is marketing. Marketing shows me the world, what I say, how I connect with people, and then beyond the subconscious. And so that started to really pique my attention. And one of my youth groups, my pastors that I was a part of, she says, you need help.

[00:12:01] Lynn: And that was like, so humbling. I was like, I'm that bad. But I obeyed because that's what good Christian girls do. And that was really what pushed me. It wasn't really a curiosity. I mean, I was always curious, but my survival was always like money because mom and dad always beat me up. And so here I am getting this counseling and I'm like, I love this stuff. Why don't they do this at church? And soon I realized that the church institution was not made for that kind of work, that kind of depth. So I took some extra courses switched over my major and got my counseling license. And by then I was still that good Christian girl, got married by 22.

[00:12:47] Lynn: Because you can't be having sex and not be married. Like I didn't make a decision. And again, it was this fire, like do the right thing. And so yeah, I got pregnant and had a beautiful baby boy at 28 weeks who was born dead. And that again, wasn't a curiosity. It was like, I sang about this death and resurrection, but Aneta at 24, I just remember being I didn't even have a place to be like, fuck you, God. I was too scared. I wasn't allowed. And so I did this thing called counseling. And so for years, I thought I was okay because I was able to talk about it and not cry. And so the work of healing and the work of bringing people to God. I was always a pastor because my dad was a pastor and then pastor's kids are always kind of like to do everything.

[00:13:49] Lynn: And so I had a youth group and when that happened, I was serving a youth group and it was like pastoral Lynn and pastoral and I was just like trying to, and I do what I can to make peace and like put myself together and I thought I was doing a good job and I was with what I knew and with my baby 24-year-old self trying to put together a marriage. And I was, I did the best I could.

[00:14:21] Lynn: And now I look back and I'm like, good job. We did it together and he paid the bills. You showed up to every pulpit. And every client in the best way that you can, but inside the exterior, what was happening was my then husband, he grieved in a way where he just like closed in and that was like the last of him. I feel like I never really connected with and then since then it became how do I do the right thing and carry along another human. And then, I graduated, I went into seminary because I think it was an undoing. It was like, I came out of a Christian counseling school and I was, God, if you're real, I need to know what the hell just happened.

[00:15:14] Lynn: And so I'm going to study you because that's how we go. That's what led me to seminary, even kicking and screaming, being I'm never going to be like dad. Because Dad never made solid provisions for us. And with all the feelings of hurt and insecurity and all the money, relationships have not yet surfaced. It was like, I love Todd, I love God, and I love my family, and just like trying my best. graduate seminary and since then, that was like, I think 2012. I still haven't been ordained because the way people have colored the role of pastor to be, I don't fully fit or agree with. So I did the whole pastor thing.

[00:16:09] Lynn: I was the pastor of like one of the most open gayest oldest churches in America. And I realized no matter where I go, it's not even the Korean-American context that I blamed. It's just humans. Institutionalism. So I just took myself out of organized religion and looked for ways where I could just heal and rest. And that's when I looked at my life and I had. Three beautiful kids. I had another boy and another baby. I call her the best of my life. And then I looked at my then husband and I said, you can't just be babysitting. I need you to find your own passion and I can't be the only one pulling in money.

[00:17:01] Lynn: Something's got to change. But of course, something's got to change. I can't just be like, something's got to change. And when I realized that. Yeah, I said, I can't just sit here and be like, something's got to change. What are you going to do about it, Lynn? How about you that allows this, that enables this, how about your role in this? And I was like, I don't want it. This is so tiring. And so that was the next breakthrough. If you don't make a move, we're separating and we separated. And I moved back into my parents’ house. And if you don't make a move, this is going to be a divorce. And so we divorced. And it was a lot of shame and a lot of how am I going to do three kids?

[00:17:45] Lynn: How am I doing this mother and father role? I was still kind of pastoring and liked doing pulpits applied preaching here and there doing retreats. Public speaking when I could, but my main bread and butter was counseling. And by then I had a mental health license and I was just trying to figure it out. And what was real, I think at that time was I just couldn't have anybody tell me what to do like institutionalism. It was like allergic to it. Sniffed out the dysfunctionality and what really bothered me was that people didn't do their work. People on the top, people in the bottom, and it's just so much and projection and like blaming and in this whole professionalism, write an email and make it sound professional when really it's like and even that, and it could be the authentic feeling, but it's not clean.

[00:18:50] Lynn: It's not people that take 100% responsibility for their arising. And I just realized I can't fight systems. So I went out and did private practice and I met this guy. Actually, I feel like I attracted this guy and he was the complete opposite and he didn't care that I was a pastor. He didn't care that I wanted to save the world or that I had three kids. Or all my accolades and that was so refreshing. And at the time that was exactly what I needed. And so quarantine hits and my business is wildly successful to the point where I'm getting really stressed out. So I went get a license cause that's what started to really fill my soul with just dance and yoga.

[00:19:45] Lynn: I was on my way to get my yoga license when the certification and then quarantine hit. And so I couldn't even teach. I didn't even do anything with my Zumba license. It's like all the gyms are closed. And so that was a moment where I was okay, what am I doing with my life? And my private practice still kind of boomed. It took off. And so my, I dabbled with like Facebook ads and this and that, and what am I really trying to do? I created a course called Pieces to Piece from General Family Systems with this visual of we are the church and I have a lot of congregation members inside different ages, different kinds of people, and they can't seem to do, like, they can't also seem to sit down for a meal for communion.

[00:20:39] Lynn: They freaking hate each other. They have different goals. They have different ideas of what it would look like to protect me and what's best for me. And I realized that I can't do the work of anything, of any justice, unless inner justice comes to being. So that was my reconciliation, come to Jesus moment of like, if I don't know how to pastor these little ones I can't do anything.

[00:21:06] Aneta: It's so interesting as I hear your story because it sounds like when you were younger, you were part of these institutions and working within the confines and the rules and the processes and the establishments. And you even said you thought that you were okay when you could talk about your loss without crying.

[00:21:31] Aneta: And then as you shared, when you finally said, this isn't working for me, that's when it's interesting. You brought in movement. You talked about Zumba, about yoga, about integration, about really connecting. And so talk about how you feel like breaking free of some of those institutions that were such a large part of your life allowed you to grow and really connect to yourself and maybe even to God in a way that wasn't possible before or was limited.

[00:22:04] Lynn: So I think it's that duality of structure and freedom and the masculine structure and the feminine flow. And I wish had the blueprint, but I didn't write, I didn't even know that there was a structure. I didn't know religion and institutionalism were a structure that I was going to do. And I didn't know that these rules or even family was a structure that if you follow my story, I came out of family.

[00:22:29] Lynn: My parents ended up having a bankruptcy. I supported them because I did have a successful business and then they ended up wanting the authority to their house back. And I can't do that because this is my life force and money that I put in and actually it wasn't that clean. I want this. And I was a little girl that said, okay, I'll make it work. And there was this one ask. They asked for this. Like a hugely big ask for a luxury car and I said, I think that's ridiculous, but I'll try the banks denied it because they had a bankruptcy in their name. And when I said, I can't, and they said, I knew it, you're never going to give it to us. And they sued me.

[00:23:14] Aneta: Huh? Your parents did?

[00:23:17] Lynn: Yeah. So talk about coming at a system. And I think this is really important because it wasn't like that. I had this realization that this is a system and here I go. Freedom. Marriage is a system. One man, one woman. This is the way sexually exclusive. Those are all systematic. I don't know, just like programming. The way women should be, what I should wear. What holy is and what that looks like, are systems and systems can be buildings and institutions, but systems are also things that are inside our minds and ego runs by them.

[00:23:58] Lynn: And so I think what happens when the ego is so helpful, so cute, so great, but also don't be led by it. And I think that the thing led by the flow is very different than led by the structures of what I know to be true. So it's so scary and I've never come to these moments knowing that this is the next thing. 

[00:24:21] Lynn: Five years ago, I would have never said I'm going to be divorced with pink hair, or whatever the story is. Like, no, this is not what I asked. This is not what I even knew how to ask for. And so that's the growth that like, this is what I thought the growth was going to be. And now it looks like something totally different. And there's grief in that because there's a little part of me that's like, what have you done? You stepped out too big. You're not even Christian anymore. This is why I'm like, I don't know, are you a Christian pastor? Depends on who's asking.

[00:25:09] Aneta: Yeah. I was going to ask you that because I was thinking about how, when we have these life experiences and we start to step out into new realms and we open ourselves up and we're listening and you're more divinely, at least in my experience, more divinely guided when you step out of what people tell you is possible or what the systems or structures are. And at the same time, sometimes like you, I found myself in places where I'm like, how did I get here? This feels uncomfortable. Did I get here too fast? Wait, what do I want to do? And I started to contract a little bit. So have you felt any of those contractions in your journey where you're like, wow, I'm elevating? I'm ascending. New things are happening. I'm opening up. And then all of a sudden one day you're like, wait, what, is this okay? Is this safe?

[00:26:01] Lynn: I'm raved at that moment. You know, we have a shared mentor, Sam Skelly and she talks about like being both feet planted and like both of that. Acknowledging and again, even this I know that, and even in my relationship, I'm like, I love this man. He's like, he has liberated me in so many ways and I think part of the ways that I am so quirky and weird. Remember I told you that I'm a weirdo and I'm really learning to embrace that. But I like a huge part of that was like his unconditional love. Like I don't care. I genuinely don't care. Yeah. But there's also this like, Un support, cause everything that I did build my life with, how dare you not care about that?

[00:26:58] Lynn: And there's the two cents of truth of no, but you do, you should care about something bigger than you. You should care about spirit. You should have that relationship. So there is that argument that's not what I want. That is wrapped up in the package of liberating unconditional love. And even just in my relationship, navigating this, what the hell does this like look like? What does commitment look like? What does engagement look like? I'm engaged to this guy, but what does that even look like? Cause I'll tell you what marriage doesn't look like marriage for me. I've been there and done that.

[00:27:33] Lynn: I don't know if that means babe, I know that for the rest of my life, I will only have sex with you. Because what else is a marriage? You can do business with anybody else. You can have different genders, like, I guess, besties. But when it comes to the clear thing of sex, right? And so All of these paradigms of this is what it was, should be, I have, I don't know if I've navigated it with Greece season flow. I feel I've been pushed out, pulled out. It just wasn't working. And if anything, I would say, the one thing that navigated, that was from me is this honesty with myself, like Lynn, is this working for you?

[00:28:13] Lynn: How does this sit with your system? With the inward, there are times when people would preach about death and I'm like, if that's what God is, I feel grossed out. And so I am not going to be ordained in this right now, just not right now until it feels. And so I didn't know that that was me being cued in with my body and somatic cues. I didn't know that, but that was the guidance that was the spirit. And I think part of the journey is learning how to be comfortable with this uncomfortableness. And just like learning to dance with it and learning to journey with it and learning to be okay, familiar with this. But also not so familiar that you get so uncomfortable with the ugliness of the path. Then create it. So even the discomfort is new.

[00:29:13] Aneta: And I think it's okay. I think that that's part of what I'm discovering, too, is just because I thought I had something figured out intellectually with my thinking mind, when something new presents itself, that feels somatically so true to me. But maybe is counter to what I thought before. It's okay. That doesn't mean that, I'm learning to trust the feeling and to trust what my intuition, my inner guidance, my downloads are telling me, even if they conflict with a thought or decision or something that. I thought was true in the past. Does that make sense? Do you ever find yourself there? And I feel the more that I do that and allow myself to go, that's really interesting. Let me reevaluate this and not put myself in these boxes or, feel I have to do something a certain way. I feel that has just been part of the unraveling and the journey as well.

[00:30:11] Aneta: So do you feel in your own journey that you are starting to more easily let go of things that you thought were truths before because it doesn't ring true? Somatically or in your spirit, it's like the contradiction sometimes between our thinking mind and what we are feeling within the body and learning to trust that inner knowing is actual. The one that we should be guided by.

[00:30:41] Lynn: Yeah. I do feel less guilty about this has to be true. But I do feel it's not a, so like everything is truth. This is true. That's not it. As my roots towards what I believe in go deeper, then I can sway more like a bamboo. I can encompass and then I can grow taller. But it's because there is one truth. And I don't even think words would do it justice that's constantly recalibrating and constantly deepening. And I feel I've done this, like, I'm going to go so right because that's right.

[00:31:28] Lynn: That I come out left. And so coming to understand that shoot, what visual came to mind when you were asking me this question it might be a little like to raw, but when our human anatomy, when the vagina is giving birth is it left? Is it right? It's just like this opening, and it's this expansion and so much that it just becomes this like portal and the portals are round and there is no up or down, even what was up and it's just. And that's what I feel and if I went so right and so left that I meet myself back and it's just this spiral, that is not true like of the DNA of the very essence of how matter is structured from the invisible, it starts to spiral. And so I do believe that there's some truth that is manifested and materialized in that yeah, it could be loved. It could be right, but all of us within us have this spiral of becoming.

[00:32:35] Lynn: Yeah. And so now I'm coming back and I took sound healing because my first love was music and I went dancing and I loved movement. So I was bringing in, now I'm going to be taking somatic coaching, again, in a new way with Sam and there's other breath work. I mean, we've been breathing and I used to make fun of breathworks, but I was like, people pay to learn how to breathe. But I gave but I gave myself to it once I understood how powerful it was and then I'm connected back to, hello Ruach, that's breath. That's spirit. Yeah, and Numa like soul and, breath it's like, he takes me back to my biblical roots. It takes me back to the further I go and, alchemy and chakra healing.

[00:33:32] Lynn: And I took all that. And my mentor was you know, have you ever considered being a witch? I said, no, she goes, you have all the prerequisites. And I was like, what would that even mean? She goes, You would look into working with crystals more and elements more and learn how to basically consecrate things and put spells over. And one of the things that you talk about is doing things to not hurt people, but only to help. And I was, so instead of praying for people, you cast spells on them. This is bringing me back to being a pastor. So instead of anointing oil, you're going to teach me how to make oil from earth.

[00:34:17] Lynn: Instead of father, God, it's mother earth. All right, I'm down. And again, it was so humbling to be the further I've reached, I'm right back at my roots. And it's that spiral of becoming, like, yeah, here I am. I'm right back.

[00:34:35] Aneta: And it's that openness to not judge the experiences or the words or that maybe were preconceived, but instead exploring it and seeing it with new eyes and when we're ready because if you heard the word, witch maybe three years ago, you would have been like, wait a second. I know what I think, I know what that means. And I'm going to say no, and I'm going to run away versus exploring to say that you're asking your question. Well, what does that mean?

[00:35:03] Aneta: What does that look like? What are the tenants of this? How could that be helpful? How could I help other people with this and what I'm learning? And I know one of the things that I've seen you talk about is plant medicine. And so tell me about your experience with plant medicine. Did you first participate with someone else? Did someone else guide you through your own experience? And then how are you leveraging plant medicine either for yourself or with others?

[00:35:32] Lynn: Yeah. So I was straight and narrow, so I didn't touch anything until when I was breaking out, and like all my Christian friends was just not helping. And so I think I was like 33 and then in the thick of quarantine, one of my closest friends, who's an elder at the place that I used to work at. And she was one of the most devoted religious people that I know. And she said, Lynn, I need you to sit down and listen to me.

[00:36:00] Lynn: There's this thing that I found and it's the gateway drug to God. So I'm like, and it's like 10 years of therapy in one shot. And I was, you just mentioned both my professions being done better. Like, okay you know what I mean? Like what I'm about. So I'm like, okay, let's try it. Because I knew her. So I started with the deep end. I went deep diving with my ayahuasca mother Aya. And that's when my grief came out. Well, the first day I urged, I mean not even nicely. It was not cute. It's not possible to be addicted to ayahuasca and a sense of you don't do this for fun. No, it's like, and then it brings you to the places that your ego has been protecting you from. And so, yeah, ego deaths. Talk about ego deaths. I felt like my ego was in a little glass jar, do that. Don't feel it. But I'm like, I can't help it. I can't control it.

[00:37:07] Lynn: And the root word of psychedelics, psychedelia. Psychedelia Manifestation and manifests the stuff that's hidden away by our nice and neat. Civilized cultures. And the second day, what happened was the grief of my boy came out. I was like, don't do that. Don't shake like that. And it was there I go. I'm possessed. I'm in the deep end. I knew I shouldn't have come.

[00:37:36] Aneta: The resistance?

[00:37:38] Lynn: Yeah, the duality of the thoughts, I hate this what the hell is going on and then like the fear and like I'm so sorry. I was hitting people next to me I was the bad one who liked these poor shamans and they took my mattress out and took me outside so I could ground. Having an experience. I mean something took me, I was angry at God and that experience. So let me tell you, my wound talked back to me. It's like, I am your wound that you never trusted. And then there were angels and, you didn't trust your life force, sweetie. You didn't trust your strength. Yeah,

[00:38:17] Lynn: And then coming back, having lost, like literally lost weight, the heaviness, and then six hours of, I felt like electric shocks. And then these beautiful angels and human flesh would come and serenade me with sound and oil. Literally consecrated me and put me on the path to being a sound healer and working with oils. And why do I do that? Because I've experienced it. And just when I was, this is it, God, I don't know who you are anymore because if this isn't God, and I don't know how to put it together with the God of my past. And the God of Abraham and the heavens opened up like literally the God of Abraham. I had a discussion with that God.

[00:39:05] Aneta: Wow. I just got goosebumps.

[00:39:08] Lynn: And then the band, the live band started playing Amazing Grace. I know, right? And then again, like, just, I mean, ripped open, torn to pieces and then put back together. And then tell me, like, my mind is still grappling from that. And then I went back again and again. And 12 times later, I thought. I cannot just sit and do like talk therapy for 50 minutes because that's what I realized in my civilized put together life, this wouldn't have ever had the opportunity to come out. And so since then I've been working with plant medicine, got my certification so that I could do it legally, as much as I can right now, what's legalized is ketamine.

[00:39:55] Lynn: It's not plant, but it does help. And so I studied it and I did that for people who are resistant to anything illegal. And then I do with people who are open and trusting and who feel called, I really do feel like the medicine calls we're ready. And so, yeah, I journey with them. I do a one-day retreat because of that openness, like let's treat that openness. Like I love the way you said it, here are the two questions, but then it's room for magic.

[00:40:28] Aneta: That's right. I am so grateful for you sharing just all of the journey because I always say our life is not like this linear line. We're not supposed to stay on this one path and then that's it. And just being open to the nudges, to the miracles, to the blessings, to the doors that open and shut. I just think that the more we are open to that. The more we come back, as you said to ourselves and who we're supposed to be, and discover our truth and why we're here. And I'm just so grateful that you are part of my circle, my community, my soul sister, Lynn, and I want to ask you a final question, which is What does it mean to you to live the width of your life?

[00:41:13] Lynn: I just got goosebumps. I think that means to live fully continues to expand, not just to one dimensional, but like continue to expand it, expand the dimensions. There are infinite dimensions, you, and depths of that too. For me, it's Jesus’ invitation. I've come to live life to the fullest. Yeah. So that you may live, really live. It also just means not doing the things that you thought you knew, or that it was this way and opening up to that. And that literally means that whenever the fear comes up or the suspicion comes up, have a play date with that one.

[00:42:03] Aneta: Beautiful. And if for folks who want to work with you, who want to follow you, how can we best support you? Where can people find you?

[00:42:14] Lynn: I'm on Instagram at Soul Matters LLC. yeah, Because it matters that the soul matter literally becomes the material, our body, and the life that we manifest. So that's where you can find me, you can DM me there. Lynnmin.Com. It's always under construction because I'm always evolving. But it is up lynnmin.Com and miss.lynnmin@gmail.com. Yeah. Just reach out.

[00:42:46] Aneta: I love it. Thank you for you. You are such a gift, Lynn. I just really enjoyed our conversation. I could talk to you for days and I think we would just never get to the end of it. So thank you. I appreciate you so much. Have an amazing day.

[00:43:04] Aneta: Thank you for listening to today's episode. If you're inspired to finally take courageous action on a personal or professional goal that has been on your heart for some time, then follow this podcast because every week we'll have intimate, authentic conversations with guests who have redefined success, created healthy new habits to support optimal health, and finally release the stories and limiting beliefs that kept them stuck in a life they didn't love. If you want to start or grow deeper in your own transformation journey, then I am happy to answer questions on a one-to-one 30-minute transformation strategy call at no cost to you. Head onto my website to book your slot today, and I will see you next time.
