Season of Transformation
/Season of Transformation
“I have resolved to live, not just endure, each season of my life” -
I can’t get over the gorgeous colors in nature right now. Today on my morning walk I was amazed again at how the leaves keep changing to the most majestic jewel colors. It’s interesting that before they shed their leaves for several months, they don’t just drop their leaves despondently, but instead become even more beautiful.
Today I was inspired to think about how we could each use this change in season to become a better versions of ourselves. Instead of dreading the colder days ahead, or wishing we were somewhere else, we can set positive intentions for who we choose to be in the next season of our lives.
Here are some ways to grow into this next season of transformation:
Focus on self-care. Self-care is so critical for our optimal health. It is not a sign of weakness to take care of ourselves. Make a list of the things that bring you joy and schedule them into your day, your week and your month. They could be simple pleasures or finally making sleep a priority and starting a new bedtime ritual. Whatever you need, make time for it.
Invest in your growth and development. Our education doesn’t stop once we finish school. One of the greatest ways to keep our minds strong is to continue learning. This could be reading/listening to books on topics that interests you, learning a new language, picking up a new hobby, listening to a podcast - the list is endless.
Serve others. This year especially, there are many people in need. Choosing to focus on giving back and helping others is good for the soul and can instill a new sense of purpose and joy. Align with an organization whose mission resonates with you, or do simple acts of kindness for friends, family or even strangers.
Do things that scare you. Often we say “no” to opportunities because we don’t know if and how we’ll be able to do them. What if we said “yes” and took a leap of faith that we would figure it out? You may be surprised at what you’re capable of.
Be kind to yourself. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt, acknowledge tiny steps in the right direction and celebrate your wins along the way.
Finally, choose to see the beauty and uniqueness of every season of life . “I have resolved to live, not just endure, each season of my life”. -