The Great Rethink: Building a Thriving Workplace in a New Era

The recent Gallup State of the Global Workplace report confirms what many of us are witnessing firsthand: a concerning decline in employee well-being and engagement worldwide.

What got us here will not get us where we need/want to go.  Nothing is truly as it used to be, including us.

Here are the key takeaways from the Gallup report:

  • Disengaged Employees Cost Billions: Low engagement costs the global economy a staggering 8.9 trillion USD, highlighting the financial impact of a dissatisfied workforce.

  • Employee Wellbeing Declining: Overall, employee wellbeing has dropped, with 20% of workers experiencing daily loneliness, especially those working remotely full-time and with younger employees.

  • The Manager/Leader Effect: Managers significantly impact team engagement. 70% of the variation in employee engagement is due to their manager. Leaders also experience more stress and are more likely to seek new jobs.

The Role of Policy and Economics:

  • Job Market Matters: Countries with strong job markets see lower disengagement, suggesting employees feel empowered to leave bad situations for perceived better ones.

  • Labor Laws Play a Part: Labor laws, particularly those focused on fair wages, maternity leave, and workplace safety, are associated with employees feeling better about their current lives.

Other interconnected and related trends over the past few years:

Quiet Quitting: A Gallup report in 2023 estimated that at least 50% of the U.S. workforce exhibits signs of quiet quitting, meaning they do the minimum required for their jobs and are not actively engaged.

Women Leaving Corporate: Studies suggest a concerning exodus:

  • LeanIn reports that women leaders are leaving companies at an unprecedented rate, with factors like lack of promotion opportunities and desire for work-life balance contributing.

  • Another study by PhocusWire indicates that women leaders are 2x more likely to switch jobs for reasons like flexibility and a better work-life balance.

Burnout: Burnout continues to increase, and the WHO has added it to the list of chronic illnesses.

  • A 2021 report by Mindful found that 42% of employees reported feeling burned out, and burnout was a major reason for job search activity.

  • 1/3 of people globally, almost 2 billion, say their lives are out of balance according to Gallup and Wellbeing for Planet Earth Foundation study,

Cognitive overload impacts productivity, engagement and financial results of organizations.

These trends are interrelated, and the pandemic has contributed to shifting work environments. Many are re-evaluating their priorities and life choices, rethinking their careers, and prioritizing well-being.

So what can we do about this?

It’s time to examine what is not working. Instead of hoping things go back to normal, we need to create changes that provide a better work environment and meet everyone where they are.

By taking ownership of our wellbeing, collaborating effectively, and advocating for change - individually and collectively - we can create a more engaged and productive future for everyone. This new journey requires self-awareness, accountability, and prioritizing strong leadership.

Organizations must be willing to examine their practices and adapt to employee needs. They must explore actionable solutions at the individual, team, and organizational levels to create a workplace that thrives on engagement and well-being.

Solutions for individuals:

For Individuals:

  • Set healthy boundaries

  • Prioritize & invest in your wellbeing

  • Develop a growth mindset - find solutions that work for you

  • Be your own advocate

  • Communicate openly with your leader - ask for help before you burnout

  • Network and build relationships

For Teams:

  • Collaborative goal setting

  • Regular communication and feedback

  • Team building activities

  • Celebrate wins

For Organizations:

  • Invest in employee wellbeing

  • Prioritize & focus on meaningful work

  • Develop your leaders - coaching, training

  • Open communication and transparency - encourage open dialogue

  • Encourage healthy work-life balance and flexibility

  • Streamline workflows and minimize technology interruptions

  • Employee recognition

  • Embed engagement in everything

  • Evaluate old processes and systems and create better ones - meeting structures, length of time, etc.

By following these steps, businesses can create a more engaged and productive workforce, leading to a happier and more profitable organization.

⭐️ Building a more engaged and productive workforce is interrelated with wellness. If you’re interested in effective Corporate Wellness programs for your team or coaching for your leaders, contact me for a free consultation! Or if you are a leader who’d like to explore coaching, please schedule your free consultation.

Here are some resources for further exploration: