Where To Begin?
/Where To Begin?
My heart has been broken over the past week since the murder of George Floyd. I’ve found myself processing my feelings, struggling to find the right words and also the actions that I should take. As a spiritual person, I look up and ask for guidance and direction. This weekend I felt compelled to create a loving kindness meditation to share focused on creating more love, light, and compassion and release feelings and energies that harden our hearts. You can access the meditation below. I hope that it helps in any small way.
I also was led to many verses and quotes that provided me with some comfort. One book that I was led to was Where To Begin by Cleo Wade. Cleo is a very talented, insightful and inspiring young author. She is wise beyond her years and I find myself referring to this book and her book Heart Talk often. I wanted to provide a selection from her book that I included in yesterday’s meditation. I hope that it helps you as it has me. Cleo reminded me that we each are more powerful that we think we are, and that we can impact change in our homes, our communities and on a broader scale.
“We spend so much time thinking we don’t have the power to change the world,
We forget that the power to change someone’s life is always in our hands.
We all have the power to relieve someone’s pain with our embrace.
And lessen someone’s suffering with our kindness.
Change-making does not belong to one group of people.
Change-making belongs to all of us.
You do not have to wait for anyone to tell you that you are in this.
You don’t have to wait around wondering what you should do.
Get to work on what you can do.
The time has always been now.
Start by doing what you can with what you’ve got.”
Where you are, and in your own way.
We don’t have to be heroes, wear a uniform, call ourselves activists,
Or get elected to participate.
We just have to be brave enough to care.
In love and light,