Focus on what you can control - your perspective and mindset matter!

Focus on what you can control!

There were circumstances that we could not control, and the story is incomplete without sharing how we approached what was within our control. And, that made all of the difference.

Perspective and mindset are so important. This weekend I was so grateful for my regular meditation, gratitude, and mindfulness practice. It helped me get through a crazy trip with unexpected challenges. 

My college friends and I flew to Florida for our annual trip.  Every October or November we travel somewhere warm for 3-4 days to connect, relax, re-set, and enjoy each other’s company.  Every year we’ve been blessed with beautiful weather, great accommodations, and what we wanted and expected - until now. 

This year, we’ve decided this trip was memorable because much of it was the opposite of what we expected. 

  • My flight in on Thursday was rough and bumpy as we headed into a storm going into Tampa airport, then back out of the storm heading back north when we were told we couldn’t land.  My flight was then diverted to Orlando to wait until Tampa airport was re-opened after the hurricane warning was lifted.

  • My friends from Chicago were diverted to Ft. Myers airport, further into the storm, and had to de-plane for several hours.  Needless to say when we arrived we were all hungry, exhausted, and disappointed at losing an entire day.  

  • Friday we were excited to start our day. We started with a brisk walk on the beach eating sand that was flying into our faces the entire time.  We were looking forward to sitting by the pool, but the pool was closed due to 45 miles per/hour winds.  We walked from hotel to hotel trying to buy day passes for any pool that happened to be open with no luck.

  • When our hotel pool was finally open, we found a 30 feet square of sunshine and moved 5 chairs to that area hoping to warm up.  The rains started in less than 2 hours and we were inside for the rest of the afternoon.

These were all circumstances that we could not control, and the story is incomplete without sharing what we focused on that was within our control.  And, that made all of the difference.

  • Thursday night we went to our hotel restaurant and had a delicious meal, sampled great foods, kept the cocktails coming, and laughed for hoursWe toasted with some champagne to our 30+ year friendship, and kept the conversations going in our suite until we were ready for bed.

  • Friday when the rain kept us inside, we huddled together and watched TV, ate snacks, and got ready for dinner.  We celebrated our friend Lisa’s 50th birthday by opening gifts in our room, gifting her with a tiara and sash to wear, and walking in the rain to dinner.  At dinner we shared food, talked about our bucket lists, next chapters, and where we wanted to vacation next year.  

  • Saturday turned out to be a sunny day where we went for a long walk exploring the island, ate a leisurely breakfast, sat by the pool, enjoyed some beach time, and walked to a local restaurant to watch the OSU game.  That night we stayed up late and laughed about the inconveniences of the past few days.  

  • I left last on Sunday, which is never as fun as being the first to arrive.  My direct flight turned into a travel day of 11 hours for me.  Instead of getting worked up, or complaining, I meditated, read, ate by myself, journaled, reflected on my trip, watched a TV show on my phone, and accepted my circumstances as they were.  

The most vivid memories are those that are sometimes challenging, not according to our plan, and that sometimes make us crazy.  Of all of our trips, this will be the most memorable, not because of where we ate, or places we visited, but because together we dealt with every challenge with laughter, optimism, and gratitude.  

3 daily practices to change your life

“Your life is the expression of the limit of your thoughts.” - Prem Sadasivananda

My dear friend, Prem Sadasivananda, wrote this amazing book Empower Your Life: A Guide To Your Highest Purpose.  I’m studying the book with Prem, examining my own thoughts, and how they’ve impacted my life.  Many of us are living in our own heads and believing thoughts that either paralyze us with fear, or subdue us into a life of mediocrity and complacency.  

There is a statistic that I’ve read several times that highlights the issue.  Experts estimate that the average person has anywhere between 50,000 - 80,000 thoughts per day, or 2,100 - 3,300 thoughts per hour. You know what we’re thinking about?  According to research, the thoughts are repeat thoughts that play like a record over and over again, and as much as 80% of them are negative thoughts. 

We now have the attention span of 8 seconds, basically the same as a goldfish. Negative thoughts, beliefs, and even words that we speak release stress hormones in the body that can manifest physical symptoms and weaken the immune system.  The other challenge with focusing on negative thoughts for most of our waking and sleeping hours is that these negative thoughts that we tell ourselves then lay a foundation for our actions, tendencies, and habits.  

The great news is that we can do something about our thoughts.  We’ve all heard of the placebo effect, which was discovered over 50 years ago.  In trials, patients given sugar pills, saline injections, and sometimes fake surgeries have been shown to improve up to 80% of the time.  

Did you know that there have been more recent scientific studies that have proven that our intentions and words can positively or negative impact living things?  Dr. Masuro Emoto conducted experiments showing the impact of energy on water and rice.  He believes that “human consciousness” can impact the molecular structure of water.  In his experiments he showed how positive words spoken over water could either create beautiful crystallizations or turn the water murky.  He also experimented with taking polluted water and cleaning it through positive affirmations or prayer.  In another experiment on rice, he had three identical containers of rice and water.  For the first container, positive words of affirmation and praise were spoken. For the second container, negative, hurtful words were spoken.  The third container of rice was ignored.  The rice in the first group sprouted and had a pleasant smell. The rice in the second group turned black.  And, the rice in the third group started to rot. 

Other similar studies have been done using plants and apples. The results have been similar.  Our intentions, thoughts and words do matter.  Three things that you can add to your daily routine that will positively impact your overall well-being are meditation, gratitude, and affirmations or mantras.  


Meditating daily has made a positive impact on my life. As someone who also teaches meditation, I often hear from my clients that they can’t meditate.  They say that they can’t quiet their mind or sit still.  My advice, in the most loving voice, is always the same.  “Don’t wait for your mind to be ready to meditate.  Sit your body down, close your eyes, breathe, and continue doing so for 10 minutes.” Over time, our bodies and mind settle in faster, and we come to enjoy our moments of quiet and solitude.

Benefits of meditating:

  • Your brain releases serotonin, dopamine and endorphins – leading to a good mood

  • Your blood pressures drops

  • Pain decreases – a recent study showed a 40% reduction in pain

  • Inflammation and swelling decreases

  • Digestion improves - rebooting the parasympathetic nervous system

  • American Heart Association issued a statement saying that seated meditation “may help reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering blood pressure and stress”


Giving thanks, being grateful, and saying thank you for the wonderful things in your life today, is one of the fastest way to improve your energy and lift your mood.  There are many ways to establish a gratitude practice.  Some clients like to keep a gratitude journal. Others incorporate giving thanks in the morning, and then as part of their evening reflection before they go to sleep.  The key is to be consistent, and to go deep.  Remember, no one is reading your gratitude list, so write without judgement.  Strive to add new items to your list daily and notice how your perspective changes on what really brings you true joy, peace and happiness. 

Benefits of giving thanks: 

  • Feeling happier

  • Becoming a nicer person

  • Increased energy levels

  • More resiliency and improved health

  • Improved relationships

  • New life perspective

Affirmations and Mantras:

While expressing gratitude makes us feel good, and is relatively easy to do, writing positive affirmations about ourselves is sometimes very difficult.  In one of my first sessions with coaching clients, I ask them to do a one minute exercise in which they write as many positive things as possible about themselves in 1 minute.  The average number written has been 3-5 on the first attempt.  However, with practice, the same clients generate lists in the double digits.

A mantra is a seed/word for energizing an intention, and over time it bears the fruit of your intention. Mantras have been around for over 3,000 years, and used in many spiritual practices.  Many of the ancient Sanskrit mantras were used for healing, abundance, protection, and good fortune.   Mantras help us focus on those things that inspire and create joy.   Incorporating ancient mantras can help grow your practice. Repeated negative thoughts or spoken words create beliefs and behaviors that don’t serve us well. However, choosing to speak positive affirmations or mantras can calm our nervous and respiratory systems, and change our energy. 

Benefits of doing daily affirmations or mantras:

  • Stimulates the right and left side of the brain to help move from beta state (super focused) to the theta state (relaxed)

  • Reduces stress

  • Increases energy levels

  • Improves overall well-being

  • Enhances capabilities, strengths, talents by focusing on positively expressing your abilities

  • Positively affect actions, behaviors and attitudes

  • Promotes feelings of gratitude


Making positive changes doesn’t have to be overwhelming if you start with small steps daily.  Incorporating meditation, gratitude and affirmations or mantras into your daily routine is a great first step towards improving your holistic health.

  • Find a place to meditate daily and start doing so for 10 minutes per day

  • Start a daily gratitude practice by writing down as many things you are grateful for in 1 minute

  • Start a daily affirmation practice by writing down as many positive affirmations in 1 minute

Join me on a 30 days gratitude invitation to share gratitude on Instagram.  Follow me at consciousendeavor_ on Instagram.